Go Train

More often than not, a net positive answer to whatever it is you’re thinking or feeling is to go and train.

Hungry? Go train.

Tired? Go train.

Happy? Go train.

Sad? Go train.

Lethargic? Go train.

Angry? Go train.

In love? Go train.

Depressed? Go train.

Want to improve your sports skills? Go train.

Want to learn new skills? Go train. 

Want to be healthier? Go train.

Want a natural chemical high? Go train. 

Want to be more active? Go train. 

Feeling motivated? Go train.

Feeling unmotivated? Go train.

Feeling inspired? Go train.

Feeling uninspired? Go train.

Want more energy? Go train.

Want an anti-aging solution? Go train.

Relationship issues? Go train.

Lonely? Go train.

Wasting too much time on social media? Go train.

Watching too much television? Go train.

Don’t feel like doing anything? Go train.

Stressed? Go train.

Confused? Go train. 

Want personal growth? Go train. 

Want to meet people? Go train. 

Want to be alone? Go train. 

Want better sleep? Go train.

Want to look better naked? Go train. 

In a slump? Go train. 

Overweight? Go train.

Want to test yourself? Go train.

Want to set a positive example? Go train.

Want to be more calm/peaceful? Go train.   

Always medicated? Go train.

Regularly sick? Go train.

Want increased health span? Go train.

Want to age well? Go train. 

Dehydrated? Hydrate. Then go train.

You’re a hard training athlete feeling unusually fatigued? Rest for a half or full week, then go train.

Post training high with mates. Burleigh Heads, Australia, 2023.

What training should I do?

Anything you enjoy doing that’s physical. Bonus points for it being skill based and/or outdoors in nature.

Is training the answer to everything? 

No because there’s those 1% of times it’s best not to train (when sick for example). Otherwise it’s part of the solution to most things we need and want in this life. It’s also one of the best ways to quickly change our state for the better.

Finally in case it’s not obvious, western society is on a steep downward trend physically (1, 2) and mentally (3, 4) in spite of all the data, information, knowledge and wisdom available. No one is coming to save you because there are exactly zero incentives for government or the medical industry (meaning big pharma) to have you operate in your highest and best good in this life.

With this being the case, where do you go for guidance?

You go inwards.

Subjecting yourself to vigorous training is more for the sake of forging a resolute spirit that can vanquish the self than it is for developing a strong body‘ – Mas Oyama(5)

A true yogi stands unshaken amidst the crash of falling worlds – Paramashansa Yogananda(5)

As strong as a lion with yourself but as gentle as a flower when dealing with others. Strength without wisdom is violence; kindness without strength is impotent. To be as giving as a flower, you have to be like a lion within too – Mas Oyama(5)

The nature and purpose of the Martial Way is universal. All selfish desires should be roasted in the tempering fires of hard training – Mas Oyama(5)

One living daily in the Martial Way carries is head low and his eyes high; reserved in speech and possessing a kind heart, he steadfastly continues in his training efforts – Mas Oyama(5)

We will train our hearts and bodies for a firm unshaking spirit‘ – Kyokushin Karate Dojo Oath(5).

Experience it for yourself.

Go train…


  1. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-90750-1#Sec9
  2. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/health/health-conditions-and-risks/waist-circumference-and-bmi/latest-release
  3. https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/antidepressants-drugs-market
  4. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-02-22/australians-coming-off-antidepressants/100847462
  5. All quotes sourced from The Budo Karate of Mas Oyama. Second Ed 2020 by Cameron Quinn.